Staging the stories we need, one room at a time

Michael’s collaborations, artistic practice and consulting focus on civic imagination. He has a 30+ year history of projects across arts, education, local government, community development, non-profit and health sectors bringing creative and cultural activity to the work of public engagement, community planning and cross-sector coalition building.

Two people sitting at a table during a theatrical performance

Want to develop your own skills in process design, facilitation and public engagement?

Civic imagination:

the capacity of people and leaders in a place or at an institution to collectively envision healthy, equitable futures for everyone.

Finding shared purpose and designing collective visions

Three people participating in a panel discussion on stage with a presentation screen in the background
Group of people engaging in an interactive workshop activity with cards on a table
Two speakers including Michael at a conference with a presentation slide about arts-based, community-led transformation in the background

“I have spent a lot of time making stories on stage make sense for audiences; now I spend a lot of time making stories make sense for participants who didn’t think they were building stories together but actually are - or could be.”

What we accomplish together is directly proportional to how we accomplish together

Projectors displaying a conversation-style artwork on a gallery wall
Text slide about change and collaboration at a presentation

How do we - trusting relationships within systems and places between leaders and constituents?
...benefit from collaborative problem-solving across fields, sectors and disciplines?
...hold inclusive, difficult dialogues and stay in the room?
...devise accountability practices centered in creativity and consistency?